The following is a post I made to an internet chat room in 1997. It remains unaltered.
As I look at the Gospel I seem to see the following:
I began by being born spiritually to my Heavenly Father. I then lived with Him in a state of innocence that is approximated by the Garden of Eden experience of Adam and Eve.
Through my second birth, through the lineage of the Fathers, even unto Adam/Michael, I was able to partake of the knowledge of the fruits of both good and evil. Here in this lone and dreary (Telestial) world, I gain the opportunity to experience parenthood. In this way I can be a little like my Heavenly Father.
Next, through the blood of the atonement and the waters of baptism I am born (a third time) unto Christ and receive his surname (Christ’s Son – Christian). Here, through the grace of the covenant of Baptism, I become a son to my Father Christ and to my mother the Church. Through the companionship of the Holy Ghost, which I am offered as a reward for entering into this covenant, I leave the loneliness and dreariness of the Telestial world and enter into a Terrestrial one.
As a child of Elohim I was able to partake of His spiritual heritage. As a child of Adam I am able to partake of his mortal heritage. And as a child of Christ I can partake of His heritage, which is resurrection unto eternal life.
If I am true and faithful to the example of my Fathers, I can progress into the first stage of the Celestial Kingdom by accepting the oath and covenant of the Melchizedek Priesthood. With this priesthood I can now serve with my angelic brethren in administering the bounties of God’s love to His children. If I continue, I can enter the second degree of the Celestial Kingdom by accepting the endowments offered in God’s Holy House. Finally I can attain to “all that my Father has” by entering into the New and Everlasting Covenant of Eternal Marriage.
If I am true and faithful to these covenants, that are offered to me through the Grace of Christ; and I do not recant, then God has promised that He will honor these covenants in the eternities, Luckily He has provided many opportunities to repent and be forgiven for falling short of my covenantal commitments and responsibilities. Until He calls me to His presence and confirms the Words of Eternal Life upon me, I wait on Him in faith and hope.
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